Well, we all know that CISA® Exam is considered to be one of the toughest IT exams in the world. As a result, Most of the CA Professionals/IT Professionals often ask me the reason why it is difficult to clear the exams even for a person having background in IT?
But my replies are always short and simple.
To Clarify,CISA® Exam is not only about IT, but it also has a major component of Business and Audit in it which people fail to understand.
Firstly, Aligning IT concepts with business concepts is the most important component to understand. Secondly, You are required to understand things from the point of view of IT Auditor as well as from enterprise point of view.
Further, I was not from IT background, but I Cleared the CISA® exams in first attempt with very good score because I knew how to link IT concepts with practical business knowledge.
Moreover,We will also study in Domain 2 that technology must align with business and not vice-versa. In Conclusion, CISA®-THIS-MUCH training course, your passing would be my prime Responsibility.